Rescue Grass!!!! How to treat it!
The other day my buddy had me over for a quick cook session and his neighbor showed me an interesting weed that grows in his Augustine! It had almost a wheat looking tail and stood very proud about 12 inches high. This weed of course looks similiar to another weed called Plantain! Well so I did some research on this weed and found some interesting info on it!!
"Rescue grass (B. catharticus), a winter annual introduced from South America into the United States as a forage and pasture grass, and smooth brome (B. inermis), a perennial native to Eurasia and introduced into the northern United States as a forage plant and soil binder, are the economically important bromegrasses"
Treatment for this weed is using a product called Olympus herbicide or ask your fertilizer rep what is an alternative since we now know the idenification of it! :)
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